Israeli Attacks on Journalists and Media Freedom Decried at UNSC Amid Gaza Conflict


In a heated session at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Israel’s recent attacks against journalists and media infrastructure came under heavy criticism. Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu, along with several press freedom advocates, condemned the actions, emphasizing that they represent a direct assault on press freedom and a deliberate attempt to suppress the truth about what is unfolding in Gaza and Lebanon. The closure of Al Jazeera’s bureaus and the targeting of media personnel have intensified calls for the global community to address Israel’s actions and ensure accountability.

Attacks on Journalists: A Growing Concern

More than 110 journalists and media workers, including four Al Jazeera reporters, have been killed since the onset of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). In addition to physical attacks, Israeli authorities have targeted media infrastructure, shutting down Al Jazeera’s bureaus in Israel and the occupied West Bank.

The Significance of the UNSC Session

President Mohamed Muizzu of the Maldives made an impassioned plea to the UNSC, urging the international body to not turn a blind eye to what he called “brutal attempts to prevent the world from knowing the crimes taking place.” Muizzu stated that the targeting of journalists and media outlets is aimed at ensuring that stories of devastation and human suffering in Gaza and Lebanon remain unheard.

He highlighted the troubling fact that despite international condemnation, such attacks continue unabated. His speech drew attention to the severe implications for press freedom and the public’s right to information.

Veto Powers Under Scrutiny

Muizzu’s call for the abolition of the veto powers of the five permanent members — Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States — struck a chord with many in attendance. He argued that the veto is a tool that enables impunity and paralysis within the council, preventing it from taking action against Israel’s “genocidal war” against the Palestinian people.

Press Freedom Groups React

The closure of Al Jazeera’s offices has sparked outrage among press freedom organizations and human rights activists. The CPJ noted that Israel’s actions represent a severe threat to the public’s right to information. It urged the UNSC and other global bodies to intervene and ensure that Israel’s censorship tactics do not become the norm.

Al Jazeera’s Response

Al Jazeera has condemned the closures and attacks, calling the accusations of incitement and support for terrorism a “dangerous and ridiculous lie.” The network launched a campaign to raise awareness, displaying slogans like “Journalism is not a crime; attacking journalists is” on trucks in New York, including near the UN headquarters. The campaign aims to remind world leaders of the essential role that journalism plays in ensuring transparency and accountability.

The Role of Journalism in Conflict Zones

Journalists working in conflict zones often put their lives on the line to provide firsthand accounts of events as they unfold. Their reporting is crucial for documenting human rights abuses, providing context to international conflicts, and holding perpetrators accountable. The targeting of journalists, therefore, not only endangers individual lives but also represents an attack on the principles of democracy and free speech.

International Response and Future Implications

The UNSC session has put a spotlight on the need for stronger protections for journalists and media organizations working in conflict areas. International bodies, including the United Nations and the International Federation of Journalists, have called for immediate measures to ensure that media personnel can operate without fear of violence or suppression.

The session also highlighted the growing concern that the international community’s silence on these issues could embolden other regimes to target journalists with impunity.

The Way Forward: Calls for Accountability

To ensure that Israel and other countries respect international law and the rights of journalists, there must be a concerted effort to impose consequences for violations. This could include sanctions, diplomatic pressure, and legal action through international courts. The UNSC was urged to take concrete steps to protect press freedom and reaffirm its commitment to the safety of journalists.


As Israel’s war on Gaza and the broader Middle East conflict continue, the role of journalists in providing accurate, unbiased information is more critical than ever. The UNSC session has shed light on the importance of safeguarding press freedom and ensuring that journalists can continue to report the truth without fear of retribution. The international community must act decisively to protect the rights of media workers and uphold the values of transparency, accountability, and free speech.

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