Mother-of-Two Planning Her Own Funeral After Shock Terminal Cancer Diagnosis

An Unexpected Turn: From Shoulder Pain to Terminal Cancer

For many, a visit to the emergency room might result in a prescription for pain relief or a recommendation for rest. But for 33-year-old Erika Diarte-Carr, a mother of two from Utah, what started as a routine trip to the ER for shoulder pain turned into a life-altering diagnosis that shattered her world. Doctors delivered the devastating news: she had Stage 4 small cell lung carcinoma, a highly aggressive form of cancer that had already metastasized throughout her body.

“I went in thinking it was just a shoulder injury,” Erika shared, recalling that fateful day. “But by the time I left, I was told I had terminal cancer. In that moment, mine and my kids’ entire lives had changed forever.”

A Family Turned Upside Down

Erika’s diagnosis came just one day before Mother’s Day in 2022. Instead of celebrating with her children, five-year-old Ailiyah and seven-year-old Jeremiah, she found herself grappling with the reality of her mortality and an uncertain future. The doctors gave her little hope. With the cancer already spread, treatment options were limited, and time was not on her side.

The news was overwhelming for Erika, but even more so for her young children. “How do you explain to your kids that mommy is very sick and may not be here much longer?” Erika wondered. She was suddenly faced with the heart-wrenching task of preparing her family for a future without her.

A Courageous Fight Against the Odds

Despite the grim prognosis, Erika vowed to fight for her life and her children’s future. She underwent rounds of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation in hopes of shrinking the tumors and buying more time. For a while, it seemed like things were improving. But in January 2024, another blow came: Erika was diagnosed with Cushing’s Syndrome, a rare hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol.

Battling Cushing’s Syndrome

Cushing’s Syndrome had a severe impact on Erika’s health, compounding her battle against cancer. She began experiencing rapid weight gain, muscle and bone deterioration, swelling, high blood pressure, and Type 2 diabetes. These complications made it even harder for her to continue treatment, as her body struggled to cope with the combined effects of the cancer and the hormonal disorder.

But Erika pushed through, determined to create as many memories as she could with her children. “All I want is to be with them,” she said. “To see them laugh, to hold them close.”

A Devastating Update: Three Months Left

In September 2024, doctors delivered yet another heartbreaking update: the treatments were no longer working. The cancer had spread even further, and Erika’s options had run out. She was given just three months to live.

For Erika, this news meant making an incredibly difficult decision. Rather than continue with ineffective treatments that left her feeling sick and drained, she chose to discontinue all medical interventions and focus on spending her remaining time with Ailiyah and Jeremiah.

“My kids need me, not sick in a hospital bed, but present and making memories with them,” she explained. “So, I’m choosing to spend every moment I have left giving them as much love and laughter as I can.”

Planning Her Own Funeral: A Mother’s Heartbreaking Task

With the clock ticking, Erika faced the unimaginable reality of planning her own funeral. The costs of end-of-life care, coupled with her inability to work, meant that she had little to no savings. Determined to not leave her family with financial burdens, Erika turned to GoFundMe, hoping to raise $5,000 to cover funeral expenses and perhaps leave a small amount for her children.

“I never imagined I’d be planning my own funeral at 33,” she said tearfully. “But I want to make sure my kids are taken care of. I don’t want them to worry about anything.”

An Outpouring of Support

To Erika’s surprise, her story resonated deeply with people around the world. Within weeks, her GoFundMe campaign exploded. Donations poured in, and messages of love and support flooded the page. The original goal of $5,000 was quickly surpassed, with more than $750,000 raised to date.

“It’s overwhelming, in the best way possible,” Erika said. “I’m just so thankful. The generosity of people I’ve never met has changed my children’s future.”

Creating a Lasting Legacy for Her Children

With the funds raised, Erika has set up a trust fund for Ailiyah and Jeremiah. While no amount of money can replace a mother’s love, the financial stability will help ensure that her children have the resources they need as they grow up without her.

“All the funds that have exceeded my funeral cost will now be put into a trust fund for my babies,” Erika wrote on her GoFundMe page. “That way I can leave behind something for them and I can still ensure they are going to be okay as they grow up.”

Making the Most of the Time Left

For Erika, it’s not about how much time she has left but how she spends it. She’s focused on creating meaningful memories with her kids — whether it’s a simple movie night at home, a walk in the park, or a camping trip. Her goal is to fill their hearts with happy moments they can hold onto forever.

“I want them to remember the good times,” she shared. “The laughter, the hugs, and the love.”

A Community United in Compassion

Erika’s story has touched the hearts of thousands, serving as a reminder of the power of community and compassion. People from all walks of life have come together to support her in ways big and small, from financial contributions to offering words of encouragement and prayers.

“It’s restored my faith in humanity,” Erika said. “To see so many people rallying around my family, it’s more than I could have ever imagined.”

A Mother’s Strength and Courage

As Erika faces the final chapter of her life, she remains focused on the legacy she’s leaving behind. She wants her children to know that she fought as hard as she could and that every decision she made was out of love for them.

“Being their mom has been the greatest blessing of my life,” she said. “And even though I won’t be here to watch them grow up, I’ll always be with them in spirit.”

Supporting Families Facing Terminal Illness

Erika’s story is just one example of the countless families dealing with the devastating impact of terminal illness. By sharing her journey, she hopes to raise awareness about the challenges faced by those battling terminal diagnoses and the importance of supporting one another.

If you would like to contribute to Erika’s cause or support other families in similar situations, consider donating to her GoFundMe page. Every donation, no matter the size, helps make a difference.

Final Thoughts

Erika Diarte-Carr’s journey is one of strength, courage, and love. As she prepares to say goodbye to her children, she leaves behind a legacy of resilience and determination that will inspire others for years to come. While her time may be limited, her impact is boundless.

For now, Erika is focused on making the most of every day, filling her children’s lives with as much joy and love as she can. And thanks to the generosity of strangers, she has the peace of mind knowing that Jeremiah and Ailiyah will be cared for long after she’s gone.

Stay tuned for more updates on Erika’s journey, and please consider contributing to her cause if you can. Every little bit helps make a difference in the lives of two children who are about to face an unimaginable loss.

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